Module pywebcopy.session


  1. Add domain-specific / global delays.
  2. Add domain blocking, * pattern blocking.
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# Copyright 2020; Raja Tomar
# See license for more details

1. Add domain-specific / global delays.
2. Add domain blocking, * pattern blocking.

import time
import contextlib
import logging
import socket

import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlunsplit
from six.moves.urllib.robotparser import RobotFileParser
from six import integer_types

from .__version__ import __title__
from .__version__ import __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class UrlDisallowed(RequestException):
    """Access to requested url disallowed by the robots.txt rules."""

def default_headers(**kwargs):
    """Returns a standard set of http headers.

    :rtype: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict
    return CaseInsensitiveDict({
        'User-Agent': '%s/%s' % (__title__, __version__),
        'Accept-Encoding': ', '.join(('gzip', 'deflate')),
        'Accept': '*/*',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
    }, **kwargs)

def check_connection(host=None, port=None, timeout=None):
    """Checks whether internet connection is available.

    :param host: dns host address to lookup in.
    :param port: port of the server
    :param timeout: socket timeout time in seconds
    :rtype: bool
    :return: True if available False otherwise
    if not host:
        host = ''
    if not port:
        port = 53

    #: Family and Type will be default
    with contextlib.closing(socket.socket()) as sock:
        with contextlib.suppress(socket.error):
            sock.connect((host, port))
            return True
        return False

class Session(requests.Session):
    Caching Session object which consults robots.txt before accessing a resource.
    You can disable the robots.txt rules by using method `.set_robots_txt`.

    def __init__(self):
        super(Session, self).__init__()
        self.headers = default_headers()
        self.follow_robots_txt = True
        self.robots_registry = {}
        self.domain_blacklist = set()
        self.logger = logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__)

    def enable_http_cache(self):
            import cachecontrol
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                "cachecontrol module is not installed."
                " Install it like this from pip: $ pip install cachecontrol"
        self.mount('https://', cachecontrol.CacheControlAdapter())
        self.mount('http://', cachecontrol.CacheControlAdapter())

    def set_follow_robots_txt(self, b):
        """Set whether to follow the robots.txt rules or not.
        self.follow_robots_txt = bool(b)
        self.logger.debug('Set obey_robots_txt to [%r] for [%r]' % (b, self))

    #: backward compatibility
    def set_bypass(self, b):
        self.set_follow_robots_txt(not b)

    def load_rules_from_url(self, robots_url, timeout=None):
        """Manually load the robots.txt file from the server.

        :param robots_url: url address of the text file to load.
        :param timeout: requests timeout
        :return: loaded rules or None if failed.
        _parser = RobotFileParser()
            req = requests.Request(
            prep = req.prepare()
            send_kwargs = {
                'stream': False,
                'timeout': timeout,
                'verify': self.verify,
                'cert': self.cert,
                'proxies': self.proxies,
                'allow_redirects': True,
            f = super(Session, self).send(prep, **send_kwargs)
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
            code = err.response.status_code
            if code in (401, 403):
                _parser.disallow_all = True
            elif 400 <= code < 500:
                _parser.allow_all = True
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            _parser.allow_all = True
        self.robots_registry[robots_url] = _parser
        #: Initiate a start time for delays
        return _parser

    # def validate_url(self, url):
    #     if not isinstance(url, string_types):
    #         self.logger.error(
    #             "Expected string type, got %r" % url)
    #         return False
    #     scheme, host, port, path, query, frag = urlparse(url)
    #     if scheme in self.invalid_schemas:
    #         self.logger.error(
    #             "Invalid url schema: [%s] for url: [%s]"
    #             % (scheme, url))
    #         return False
    #     #: TODO: Add a user validation of the url before blocking
    #     return True

    def is_allowed(self, request, timeout=None):
        s, n, p, q, f = urlsplit(request.url)

        if n in self.domain_blacklist:
                "Blocking request to a blacklisted domain: %r" % n)
            return False

        #: if set to not follow the robots.txt
        if not self.follow_robots_txt:
            return True

        robots_url = urlunsplit((s, n, 'robots.txt', None, None))
            access_rules = self.robots_registry[robots_url]
        except KeyError:
            access_rules = self.load_rules_from_url(robots_url, timeout)
        if access_rules is None:  # error - everybody welcome
            return True

        user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent', '*')
        allowed = access_rules.can_fetch(user_agent, request.url)
        if not allowed:
            return False
        request_rate = access_rules.request_rate(user_agent)
        if request_rate is None:
            #: No worries :)
            return True

        diff_time = time.time() - access_rules.mtime()
        delay = request_rate.seconds / request_rate.requests

        if isinstance(delay, integer_types) and not diff_time >= delay:
                "Waiting on request for [%r] seconds!" % delay)
        #: Update the access time value

    def send(self, request, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(request, requests.PreparedRequest):
            raise ValueError('You can only send PreparedRequests.')
        if not self.is_allowed(request, kwargs.get('timeout', None)):
            err = "Access to [%r] disallowed by the Session rules." % request.url
            raise UrlDisallowed(err)'[%s] [%s]' % (request.method, request.url))
        return super(Session, self).send(request, **kwargs)

    def from_config(cls, config):
        """Creates a new instance of Session object using the config object."""
        ans = cls()
        ans.headers = config.get('http_headers', default_headers())
        ans.follow_robots_txt = not config.get('bypass_robots')
        ans.delay = config.get_delay()
        if config.get('http_cache'):
        # XXX I don't know if it will work?
        # ans.headers.update(
        #     {'Accept': ', '.join(config.get('allowed_file_types'))}
        # )
        return ans


def check_connection(host=None, port=None, timeout=None)

Checks whether internet connection is available.

:param host: dns host address to lookup in. :param port: port of the server :param timeout: socket timeout time in seconds :rtype: bool :return: True if available False otherwise

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def check_connection(host=None, port=None, timeout=None):
    """Checks whether internet connection is available.

    :param host: dns host address to lookup in.
    :param port: port of the server
    :param timeout: socket timeout time in seconds
    :rtype: bool
    :return: True if available False otherwise
    if not host:
        host = ''
    if not port:
        port = 53

    #: Family and Type will be default
    with contextlib.closing(socket.socket()) as sock:
        with contextlib.suppress(socket.error):
            sock.connect((host, port))
            return True
        return False
def default_headers(**kwargs)

Returns a standard set of http headers.

:rtype: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict

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def default_headers(**kwargs):
    """Returns a standard set of http headers.

    :rtype: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict
    return CaseInsensitiveDict({
        'User-Agent': '%s/%s' % (__title__, __version__),
        'Accept-Encoding': ', '.join(('gzip', 'deflate')),
        'Accept': '*/*',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
    }, **kwargs)


class Session

Caching Session object which consults robots.txt before accessing a resource. You can disable the robots.txt rules by using method .set_robots_txt.

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class Session(requests.Session):
    Caching Session object which consults robots.txt before accessing a resource.
    You can disable the robots.txt rules by using method `.set_robots_txt`.

    def __init__(self):
        super(Session, self).__init__()
        self.headers = default_headers()
        self.follow_robots_txt = True
        self.robots_registry = {}
        self.domain_blacklist = set()
        self.logger = logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__)

    def enable_http_cache(self):
            import cachecontrol
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                "cachecontrol module is not installed."
                " Install it like this from pip: $ pip install cachecontrol"
        self.mount('https://', cachecontrol.CacheControlAdapter())
        self.mount('http://', cachecontrol.CacheControlAdapter())

    def set_follow_robots_txt(self, b):
        """Set whether to follow the robots.txt rules or not.
        self.follow_robots_txt = bool(b)
        self.logger.debug('Set obey_robots_txt to [%r] for [%r]' % (b, self))

    #: backward compatibility
    def set_bypass(self, b):
        self.set_follow_robots_txt(not b)

    def load_rules_from_url(self, robots_url, timeout=None):
        """Manually load the robots.txt file from the server.

        :param robots_url: url address of the text file to load.
        :param timeout: requests timeout
        :return: loaded rules or None if failed.
        _parser = RobotFileParser()
            req = requests.Request(
            prep = req.prepare()
            send_kwargs = {
                'stream': False,
                'timeout': timeout,
                'verify': self.verify,
                'cert': self.cert,
                'proxies': self.proxies,
                'allow_redirects': True,
            f = super(Session, self).send(prep, **send_kwargs)
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
            code = err.response.status_code
            if code in (401, 403):
                _parser.disallow_all = True
            elif 400 <= code < 500:
                _parser.allow_all = True
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            _parser.allow_all = True
        self.robots_registry[robots_url] = _parser
        #: Initiate a start time for delays
        return _parser

    # def validate_url(self, url):
    #     if not isinstance(url, string_types):
    #         self.logger.error(
    #             "Expected string type, got %r" % url)
    #         return False
    #     scheme, host, port, path, query, frag = urlparse(url)
    #     if scheme in self.invalid_schemas:
    #         self.logger.error(
    #             "Invalid url schema: [%s] for url: [%s]"
    #             % (scheme, url))
    #         return False
    #     #: TODO: Add a user validation of the url before blocking
    #     return True

    def is_allowed(self, request, timeout=None):
        s, n, p, q, f = urlsplit(request.url)

        if n in self.domain_blacklist:
                "Blocking request to a blacklisted domain: %r" % n)
            return False

        #: if set to not follow the robots.txt
        if not self.follow_robots_txt:
            return True

        robots_url = urlunsplit((s, n, 'robots.txt', None, None))
            access_rules = self.robots_registry[robots_url]
        except KeyError:
            access_rules = self.load_rules_from_url(robots_url, timeout)
        if access_rules is None:  # error - everybody welcome
            return True

        user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent', '*')
        allowed = access_rules.can_fetch(user_agent, request.url)
        if not allowed:
            return False
        request_rate = access_rules.request_rate(user_agent)
        if request_rate is None:
            #: No worries :)
            return True

        diff_time = time.time() - access_rules.mtime()
        delay = request_rate.seconds / request_rate.requests

        if isinstance(delay, integer_types) and not diff_time >= delay:
                "Waiting on request for [%r] seconds!" % delay)
        #: Update the access time value

    def send(self, request, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(request, requests.PreparedRequest):
            raise ValueError('You can only send PreparedRequests.')
        if not self.is_allowed(request, kwargs.get('timeout', None)):
            err = "Access to [%r] disallowed by the Session rules." % request.url
            raise UrlDisallowed(err)'[%s] [%s]' % (request.method, request.url))
        return super(Session, self).send(request, **kwargs)

    def from_config(cls, config):
        """Creates a new instance of Session object using the config object."""
        ans = cls()
        ans.headers = config.get('http_headers', default_headers())
        ans.follow_robots_txt = not config.get('bypass_robots')
        ans.delay = config.get_delay()
        if config.get('http_cache'):
        # XXX I don't know if it will work?
        # ans.headers.update(
        #     {'Accept': ', '.join(config.get('allowed_file_types'))}
        # )
        return ans


  • requests.sessions.Session
  • requests.sessions.SessionRedirectMixin

Static methods

def from_config(config)

Creates a new instance of Session object using the config object.

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def from_config(cls, config):
    """Creates a new instance of Session object using the config object."""
    ans = cls()
    ans.headers = config.get('http_headers', default_headers())
    ans.follow_robots_txt = not config.get('bypass_robots')
    ans.delay = config.get_delay()
    if config.get('http_cache'):
    # XXX I don't know if it will work?
    # ans.headers.update(
    #     {'Accept': ', '.join(config.get('allowed_file_types'))}
    # )
    return ans


def enable_http_cache(self)
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def enable_http_cache(self):
        import cachecontrol
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError(
            "cachecontrol module is not installed."
            " Install it like this from pip: $ pip install cachecontrol"
    self.mount('https://', cachecontrol.CacheControlAdapter())
    self.mount('http://', cachecontrol.CacheControlAdapter())
def is_allowed(self, request, timeout=None)
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def is_allowed(self, request, timeout=None):
    s, n, p, q, f = urlsplit(request.url)

    if n in self.domain_blacklist:
            "Blocking request to a blacklisted domain: %r" % n)
        return False

    #: if set to not follow the robots.txt
    if not self.follow_robots_txt:
        return True

    robots_url = urlunsplit((s, n, 'robots.txt', None, None))
        access_rules = self.robots_registry[robots_url]
    except KeyError:
        access_rules = self.load_rules_from_url(robots_url, timeout)
    if access_rules is None:  # error - everybody welcome
        return True

    user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent', '*')
    allowed = access_rules.can_fetch(user_agent, request.url)
    if not allowed:
        return False
    request_rate = access_rules.request_rate(user_agent)
    if request_rate is None:
        #: No worries :)
        return True

    diff_time = time.time() - access_rules.mtime()
    delay = request_rate.seconds / request_rate.requests

    if isinstance(delay, integer_types) and not diff_time >= delay:
            "Waiting on request for [%r] seconds!" % delay)
    #: Update the access time value
def load_rules_from_url(self, robots_url, timeout=None)

Manually load the robots.txt file from the server.

:param robots_url: url address of the text file to load. :param timeout: requests timeout :return: loaded rules or None if failed.

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def load_rules_from_url(self, robots_url, timeout=None):
    """Manually load the robots.txt file from the server.

    :param robots_url: url address of the text file to load.
    :param timeout: requests timeout
    :return: loaded rules or None if failed.
    _parser = RobotFileParser()
        req = requests.Request(
        prep = req.prepare()
        send_kwargs = {
            'stream': False,
            'timeout': timeout,
            'verify': self.verify,
            'cert': self.cert,
            'proxies': self.proxies,
            'allow_redirects': True,
        f = super(Session, self).send(prep, **send_kwargs)
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
        code = err.response.status_code
        if code in (401, 403):
            _parser.disallow_all = True
        elif 400 <= code < 500:
            _parser.allow_all = True
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        _parser.allow_all = True
    self.robots_registry[robots_url] = _parser
    #: Initiate a start time for delays
    return _parser
def send(self, request, **kwargs)

Send a given PreparedRequest.

:rtype: requests.Response

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def send(self, request, **kwargs):
    if not isinstance(request, requests.PreparedRequest):
        raise ValueError('You can only send PreparedRequests.')
    if not self.is_allowed(request, kwargs.get('timeout', None)):
        err = "Access to [%r] disallowed by the Session rules." % request.url
        raise UrlDisallowed(err)'[%s] [%s]' % (request.method, request.url))
    return super(Session, self).send(request, **kwargs)
def set_bypass(self, b)
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def set_bypass(self, b):
    self.set_follow_robots_txt(not b)
def set_follow_robots_txt(self, b)

Set whether to follow the robots.txt rules or not.

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def set_follow_robots_txt(self, b):
    """Set whether to follow the robots.txt rules or not.
    self.follow_robots_txt = bool(b)
    self.logger.debug('Set obey_robots_txt to [%r] for [%r]' % (b, self))
class UrlDisallowed (*args, **kwargs)

Access to requested url disallowed by the robots.txt rules.

Initialize RequestException with request and response objects.

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class UrlDisallowed(RequestException):
    """Access to requested url disallowed by the robots.txt rules."""


  • requests.exceptions.RequestException
  • builtins.OSError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException