Module pywebcopy.elements

Expand source code
# Copyright 2020; Raja Tomar
# See license for more details
import errno
import logging
import os
import re
import warnings
from base64 import b64encode
from contextlib import closing
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from io import BytesIO
from shutil import copyfileobj
from textwrap import dedent

from lxml.html import HtmlComment
from lxml.html import tostring
from six import binary_type
from six import string_types
from six.moves.urllib.request import pathname2url

from .__version__ import __version__
from .helpers import cached_property
from .parsers import iterparse
from .parsers import unquote_match
from .urls import get_content_type_from_headers
from .urls import relate

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Binary file permission mode
fd_mode = 0o777
#: Binary file flags for kernel based io
fd_flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY
if hasattr(os, 'O_BINARY'):
    fd_flags |= os.O_BINARY
if hasattr(os, 'O_NOFOLLOW'):
    fd_flags |= os.O_NOFOLLOW

def make_fd(location, url=None, overwrite=False):
    """Creates a kernel based file descriptor which should be used
    to write binary data onto the files.

    :rtype: int
    location = os.path.normpath(location)
    # Sub-directories creation which suppresses exceptions
    base_dir = os.path.dirname(location)
    except (OSError, IOError) as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EEXIST or (( == 'nt' and os.path.isdir(
                base_dir) and os.access(base_dir, os.W_OK))):
                "[FILE] Sub-directories exists for: <%r>" % location)
        # dead on arrival
                "[File] Failed to create target location <%r> "
                "for the file <%r> on the disk." % (location, url))
            return -1
            "[File] Sub-directories created for: <%r>" % location)

        # sys.audit("%s.resource" % __title__, location)
        # sys.audit("", location)
        if overwrite:
            fd =, fd_flags | os.O_TRUNC, fd_mode)
            # raises FileExistsError if file exists
            fd =, fd_flags | os.O_EXCL, fd_mode)

    except (OSError, IOError) as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                "[FILE] <%s> already exists at: <%s>" % (url, location))
        elif e.errno == errno.ENAMETOOLONG:
                "[FILE] Path too long for <%s> at: <%s>" % (url, location))
                "[File] Cannot write <%s> to <%s>! %r" % (url, location, e))
        return -1
        return fd

def retrieve_resource(content, location, url=None, overwrite=False):
    """Retrieves the readable resource to a local file.

        Add overwrite modes: Overwrite or True, Update, Ignore or False

    :param BytesIO content: file like object with read method
    :param location: file name where this content has to be saved.
    :param url: (optional) url of the resource used for logging purposes.
    :param overwrite: (optional) whether to overwrite an existing file.
    :return: rendered location or False if failed.
    :rtype: string_types
    if content is None:
        raise ValueError("Content can't be of NoneType.")
    if location is None:
        raise ValueError("Location can't be of NoneType or empty str.")
    if url is None:
        raise ValueError("Url can't be of NoneType.")

        "[File] Preparing to write file from <%r> to the disk at <%r>."
        % (url, location))

    fd = make_fd(location, url, overwrite)
    if fd == -1:
        return location

    with closing(os.fdopen(fd, 'w+b')) as dst:
        copyfileobj(content, dst)
        "[File] Written the file from <%s> to <%s>" % (url, location))
    return location

def urlretrieve(url, location, **params):
    A extra rewrite of a basic `urllib` function using the
    tweaks and perks of this library.

    :param url: url of the resource to be retrieved.
    :param location: destination for the resource.
    :param params: parameters for the :func:`requests.get`.
    :return: location of the file retrieved.
    :rtype: string_types
    if not isinstance(url, string_types):
        raise TypeError("Expected string type, got %r" % url)
    if not isinstance(location, string_types):
        raise TypeError("Expected string type, got %r" % location)

    import requests
    with closing(requests.get(url, **params)) as src:
        return retrieve_resource(
            src.raw, location, url, overwrite=True)

class GenericResource(object):
    def __init__(self, session, config, scheduler, context, response=None):
        Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses
        content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css
        file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using
        suitable html parser.

        :param session: http client used for networking.
        :param config: project configuration handler.
        :param response: http response from the server.
        :param scheduler: response processor scheduler.
        :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.
        self.session = session
        self.config = config
        self.scheduler = scheduler
        self.context = context
        self.response = None
        if response:
        self.logger = logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s(url=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.context.url)

    def __del__(self):

    def close(self):
        """Releases the underlying urllib connection and
        then deletes the response"""
        if self.response is not None:
            if hasattr(self.response, 'raw'):
                if hasattr(self.response.raw, 'release_conn'):
                    getattr(self.response, 'raw').release_conn()
            del self.response

    def filepath(self):
        """Returns if available a valid filepath
         where this file should be written."""
        if self.context is None:
            raise AttributeError("Context attribute is not set.")
        if self.response is not None:
            ctypes = get_content_type_from_headers(self.response.headers)
            self.context = self.context.with_values(content_type=ctypes)
        return self.context.resolve()

    def filename(self):
        """Returns a valid filename of this resource if available."""
        return os.path.basename(self.filepath or '')

    def content_type(self):
        """Returns a mimetype descriptor of this resource if available."""
        if self.response is not None and 'Content-Type' in self.response.headers:
            return get_content_type_from_headers(self.response.headers)
        return ''

    def url(self):
        """Returns the actual url of this resource which is resolved if
        there were any redirects."""
        if self.response is not None:
            self.context = self.context.with_values(url=self.response.url)
        return self.context.url

    def encoding(self):
        """Returns an explicit encoding if defined in the config else
        the encoding reported by the server."""
        if self.response is not None:
            #: Explicit encoding takes precedence
            return self.config.get(
                'encoding', self.response.encoding or 'ascii')
        return self.config.get('encoding', 'ascii')

    html_content_types = tuple([
    # html_content_types.__doc__ = "Set of valid html mimetypes."

    def viewing_html(self):
        """Checks whether the current resource is a html type or not."""
        return self.content_type in self.html_content_types

    css_content_types = tuple([
    # css_content_types.__doc__ = "Set of valid css mimetypes."

    def viewing_css(self):
        """Checks whether the current resource is a css type or not."""
        return self.content_type in self.css_content_types

    js_content_types = tuple([
    # js_content_types.__doc__ = "Set of valid javascript mimetypes."

    def viewing_js(self):
        """Checks whether the current resource is a javascript type or not."""
        return self.content_type in self.js_content_types

    def set_response(self, response):
        """Update the response attribute of this object.

        It also updates the content_type and encoding as reported by the
        server implicitly for better detection of contents."""
        self.response = response

        #: Clear the cached properties
        self.__dict__.pop('url', None)
        self.__dict__.pop('filepath', None)
        self.__dict__.pop('filename', None)
        if hasattr(response, 'ok') and response.ok:
            self.__dict__.pop('content_type', None)
            self.__dict__.pop('encoding', None)
            self.context = self.context.with_values(

    def request(self, method, url, **params):
        """Fetches the Html content from Internet using the requests.
        You can any requests params which will be passed to the library
        The requests arguments you supply will also be applied to the
        global session meaning all the files will be downloaded using these

        :param method: http verb for transport.
        :param url: url of the page to fetch
        :param params: keyword arguments which `requests` module may accept.
        if params.pop('stream', None):
                "Stream attribute is True by default for reasons."
            self.session.request(method, url, stream=True, **params))

    def get(self, url, **params):
        """Initiates an `get` request for the given url.
        It uses the `.set_response()` method underneath to
        process the returned response.
        It is used to manually fetch the starting web-page.

            wp = WebPage()
        return self.request('GET', url, **params)

    def post(self, url, **params):
        """Initiates an `post` request for the given url.
        It uses the `.set_response()` method underneath to
        process the returned response.
        It is required to submit forms.

            wp = WebPage()
  '', data={'key': 'value'})
        return self.request('POST', url, **params)

    def get_source(self, buffered=False):
        Returns a tuple with the response contents in either file-like object
        i.e. `RewindableResponse` if `buffered=True` or string format
        if ` buffered=False` and the encoding from the `.encoding` attribute.


            An Error would be raised if the `.context` attribute is not set.
            or the `.response` attribute is not set.

        :rtype: string_types | RewindableResponse
        if self.context is None:
            raise ValueError("Context not set.")
        if self.context.base_path is None:
            raise ValueError("Context Base Path is not set!")
        if self.context.base_url is None:
            raise ValueError("Context Base url is not Set!")
        if self.response is None:
            raise ValueError("Response attribute is not Set!")
        if getattr(self.response.raw, 'closed', True):
            raise ValueError(
                "I/O operations closed on the response object.")
        if not hasattr(self.response.raw, 'read'):
            raise ValueError(
                "Response must have a raw file like object!")

        self.response.raw.decode_content = True
        if buffered:
            return self.response.raw, self.encoding
        return self.response.content, self.encoding

    def retrieve(self):
        """Retrieves the readable resource to the local disk."""
        if self.response is None:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Response attribute is not set!"
                "You need to fetch the resource using get method!"
        # XXX: Validate resource here?
        return self._retrieve()

    def _retrieve(self):
        #: Not ok response received from the server
        if not 100 <= self.response.status_code <= 400:
                'Status Code [<%d>] received from the server [%s]'
                % (self.response.status_code, self.response.url)
            if isinstance(self.response.reason, binary_type):
                content = BytesIO(self.response.reason)
                content = BytesIO(self.response.reason.encode(self.encoding))
            if not hasattr(self.response, 'raw'):
                    "Response object for url <%s> has no attribute 'raw'!"
                    % self.url)
                content = BytesIO(self.response.content)
                content = self.response.raw

            content, self.filepath, self.context.url, self.config.get('overwrite'))
        del content
        return self.filepath

    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        """Returns a relative url at which this resource should be accessed
        by the parent file.
        filepath = self.filepath
        if not isinstance(filepath, string_types):
            raise ValueError("Invalid filepath [%r]" % filepath)
        if parent_path and isinstance(parent_path, string_types):
            return pathname2url(relate(filepath, parent_path))
        return pathname2url(filepath)

class HTMLResource(GenericResource):
    """Interpreter for resource written in or reported as html."""

    def parse(self, **kwargs):
        """Returns an `pywebcopy.parsers.iterparse` instance with
        the file-object returned from the `.get_source(buffered=True)`.

        :params kwargs: options to be passed to the `iterparse`.
        source, encoding = self.get_source(buffered=True)
        return iterparse(
            source, encoding, include_meta_charset_tag=True, **kwargs)

    def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer):
        Iterates over the `pywebcopy.parsers.iterparse` object and
        extract the elements which are handed over to the `scheduler`
        for processing. Then the final path of the element is updated
        in the `pywebcopy.parsers.iterparse` object.

        :param parsing_buffer: `iterparse` object.
        location = self.filepath

        for elem, attr, url, pos in parsing_buffer:
            if not self.scheduler.validate_url(url):

            sub_context = self.context.create_new_from_url(url)
            ans = self.scheduler.get_handler(
                self.session, self.config, self.scheduler, sub_context)
            resolved = ans.resolve(location)
            elem.replace_url(url, resolved, attr, pos)

        return parsing_buffer

    def _retrieve(self):
        if not self.viewing_html():
                "Resource of type [%s] is not HTML." % self.content_type)
            return super(HTMLResource, self)._retrieve()

        if not self.response.ok:
                "Resource at [%s] is NOT ok and will be NOT processed." % self.url)
            return super(HTMLResource, self)._retrieve()

        context = self.extract_children(self.parse())

        # WaterMarking :)
        context.root.insert(0, HtmlComment(self._get_watermark()))

            BytesIO(tostring(context.root, include_meta_content_type=True)),
            self.filepath, self.context.url, overwrite=True)

        self.logger.debug('Retrieved content from the url: [%s]' % self.url)
        del context
        return self.filepath

    def _get_watermark(self):
        # comment text should be in unicode
        return dedent("""
        * PyWebCopy Engine [version %s]
        * Copyright 2020; Raja Tomar
        * File mirrored from [%s]
        * At UTC datetime: [%s]
        """) % (__version__, self.response.url, datetime.utcnow())

class CSSResource(GenericResource):
    def parse(self):
        """Returns the `.get_source(buffered=False)`."""
        return self.get_source(buffered=False)

    def repl(self, match, encoding=None, fmt=None):
        Schedules the linked files for downloading then resolves their references.
        fmt = fmt or '%s'

        url, _ = unquote_match(, match.start(1))
        self.logger.debug("Sub-Css resource found: [%s]" % url)

        if not self.scheduler.validate_url(url):
            return url.encode(encoding)

        sub_context = self.context.create_new_from_url(url)
        self.logger.debug('Creating context for url: %s as %s' % (url, sub_context))
        ans = self.__class__(
            self.session, self.config, self.scheduler, sub_context
        # self.children.add(ans)
        self.logger.debug("Submitting resource: [%s] to the scheduler." % url)
        re_enc = (fmt % ans.resolve(self.filepath)).encode(encoding)
        self.logger.debug("Re-encoded the resource: [%s] as [%r]" % (url, re_enc))
        return re_enc

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer):
        Runs the regex over the source to find the urls that are linked
        within the css file or style tag using the `url()` construct.
        source, encoding = parsing_buffer
        source = re.sub(
            (r'url\((' + '["][^"]*["]|' + "['][^']*[']|" + r'[^)]*)\)').encode(encoding),
            partial(self.repl, encoding=encoding, fmt="url('%s')"),
            source, flags=re.IGNORECASE
        source = re.sub(
            r'@import "(.*?)"'.encode(encoding),
            partial(self.repl, encoding=encoding, fmt='"%s"'),
            source, flags=re.IGNORECASE
        return BytesIO(source)

    def _retrieve(self):
        """Writes the modified buffer to the disk."""
        if not self.viewing_css():
                "Resource of type [%s] is not CSS." % self.content_type)
            return super(CSSResource, self)._retrieve()

        if not self.response.ok:
                "Resource at [%s] is NOT ok and will be NOT processed." % self.url)
            return super(CSSResource, self)._retrieve()

            "Resource at [%s] is ok and will be processed." % self.url)
            self.filepath, self.url, self.config.get('overwrite')
        self.logger.debug("Finished processing resource [%s]" % self.url)
        return self.filepath

class JSResource(GenericResource):
    def parse(self):
        """Returns the `.get_source(buffered=False)`."""
        return self.get_source(buffered=False)

    def repl(self, match, encoding=None, fmt=None):
        Schedules the linked files for downloading then resolves their references.
        fmt = fmt or '%s'

        url, _ = unquote_match(, match.start(1))
        self.logger.debug("Sub-JS resource found: [%s]" % url)

        if not self.scheduler.validate_url(url):
            return url.encode(encoding)

        sub_context = self.context.create_new_from_url(url)
        self.logger.debug('Creating context for url: %s as %s' % (url, sub_context))
        ans = self.__class__(
            self.session, self.config, self.scheduler, sub_context
        # self.children.add(ans)
        self.logger.debug("Submitting resource: [%s] to the scheduler." % url)
        re_enc = (fmt % ans.resolve(self.filepath)).encode(encoding)
        self.logger.debug("Re-encoded the resource: [%s] as [%r]" % (url, re_enc))
        return re_enc

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer):
        Runs the regex over the source to find the urls that are linked
        within the js file or script tag using the `url()` construct.

            It only recognises one type of url inside of the js.
            i.e. `url('')`. Make it universal.
        source, encoding = parsing_buffer
        # P.S. There is one interesting Regex on this github repo under MIT license
        source = re.sub(
            (r'url\((' + '["][^"]*["]|' + "['][^']*[']|" + r'[^)]*)\)'
                self.repl, encoding=encoding, fmt='url("%s")'
            ), source, flags=re.IGNORECASE
        return BytesIO(source)

    def _retrieve(self):
        """Writes the modified buffer to the disk."""
        if not self.viewing_js():
  "Resource of type [%s] is not JS." % self.content_type)
            return super(JSResource, self)._retrieve()

        if not self.response.ok:
            self.logger.debug("Resource at [%s] is NOT ok and will be NOT processed." % self.url)
            return super(JSResource, self)._retrieve()

        self.logger.debug("Resource at [%s] is ok and will be processed." % self.url)
            self.filepath, self.url, self.config.get('overwrite')
        self.logger.debug("Finished processing resource [%s]" % self.url)
        return self.filepath

class GenericOnlyResource(GenericResource):
    """Only retrieves a resource if it is NOT HTML."""

    def _retrieve(self):
        if self.viewing_html():
            self.logger.debug("Resource [%s] is of HTML type and must not be processed!" % self.url)
            return False
        return super(GenericOnlyResource, self)._retrieve()

    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        if self.viewing_html():
            return self.context.url
        return super(GenericOnlyResource, self).resolve(parent_path=parent_path)

class VoidResource(GenericResource):
    def get(self, url, **params):
        return None

    def get_source(self, buffered=False):
        return None

    def retrieve(self):
        return None

# :)
NullResource = VoidResource

class UrlRemover(VoidResource):
    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        return '#'

class AbsoluteUrlResource(VoidResource):
    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        return self.context.url

class Base64Resource(GenericResource):
    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        source, encoding = self.get_source()
        import sys
        if sys.version > '3':
            if type(source) is bytes:
                return 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (self.content_type, bytes.decode(b64encode(source)))
                return 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (self.content_type, bytes.decode(b64encode(str.encode(source, encoding))))
            return 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (self.content_type, b64encode(source))

    def retrieve(self):
        #: There are no sub-files to be fetched.
        return None

Global variables

var fd_flags

Binary file flags for kernel based io

var fd_mode

Binary file permission mode


def make_fd(location, url=None, overwrite=False)

Creates a kernel based file descriptor which should be used to write binary data onto the files.

:rtype: int

Expand source code
def make_fd(location, url=None, overwrite=False):
    """Creates a kernel based file descriptor which should be used
    to write binary data onto the files.

    :rtype: int
    location = os.path.normpath(location)
    # Sub-directories creation which suppresses exceptions
    base_dir = os.path.dirname(location)
    except (OSError, IOError) as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EEXIST or (( == 'nt' and os.path.isdir(
                base_dir) and os.access(base_dir, os.W_OK))):
                "[FILE] Sub-directories exists for: <%r>" % location)
        # dead on arrival
                "[File] Failed to create target location <%r> "
                "for the file <%r> on the disk." % (location, url))
            return -1
            "[File] Sub-directories created for: <%r>" % location)

        # sys.audit("%s.resource" % __title__, location)
        # sys.audit("", location)
        if overwrite:
            fd =, fd_flags | os.O_TRUNC, fd_mode)
            # raises FileExistsError if file exists
            fd =, fd_flags | os.O_EXCL, fd_mode)

    except (OSError, IOError) as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                "[FILE] <%s> already exists at: <%s>" % (url, location))
        elif e.errno == errno.ENAMETOOLONG:
                "[FILE] Path too long for <%s> at: <%s>" % (url, location))
                "[File] Cannot write <%s> to <%s>! %r" % (url, location, e))
        return -1
        return fd
def retrieve_resource(content, location, url=None, overwrite=False)

Retrieves the readable resource to a local file.


Add overwrite modes: Overwrite or True, Update, Ignore or False

:param BytesIO content: file like object with read method :param location: file name where this content has to be saved. :param url: (optional) url of the resource used for logging purposes. :param overwrite: (optional) whether to overwrite an existing file. :return: rendered location or False if failed. :rtype: string_types

Expand source code
def retrieve_resource(content, location, url=None, overwrite=False):
    """Retrieves the readable resource to a local file.

        Add overwrite modes: Overwrite or True, Update, Ignore or False

    :param BytesIO content: file like object with read method
    :param location: file name where this content has to be saved.
    :param url: (optional) url of the resource used for logging purposes.
    :param overwrite: (optional) whether to overwrite an existing file.
    :return: rendered location or False if failed.
    :rtype: string_types
    if content is None:
        raise ValueError("Content can't be of NoneType.")
    if location is None:
        raise ValueError("Location can't be of NoneType or empty str.")
    if url is None:
        raise ValueError("Url can't be of NoneType.")

        "[File] Preparing to write file from <%r> to the disk at <%r>."
        % (url, location))

    fd = make_fd(location, url, overwrite)
    if fd == -1:
        return location

    with closing(os.fdopen(fd, 'w+b')) as dst:
        copyfileobj(content, dst)
        "[File] Written the file from <%s> to <%s>" % (url, location))
    return location
def urlretrieve(url, location, **params)

A extra rewrite of a basic urllib function using the tweaks and perks of this library.

:param url: url of the resource to be retrieved. :param location: destination for the resource. :param params: parameters for the :func:requests.get. :return: location of the file retrieved. :rtype: string_types

Expand source code
def urlretrieve(url, location, **params):
    A extra rewrite of a basic `urllib` function using the
    tweaks and perks of this library.

    :param url: url of the resource to be retrieved.
    :param location: destination for the resource.
    :param params: parameters for the :func:`requests.get`.
    :return: location of the file retrieved.
    :rtype: string_types
    if not isinstance(url, string_types):
        raise TypeError("Expected string type, got %r" % url)
    if not isinstance(location, string_types):
        raise TypeError("Expected string type, got %r" % location)

    import requests
    with closing(requests.get(url, **params)) as src:
        return retrieve_resource(
            src.raw, location, url, overwrite=True)


class AbsoluteUrlResource (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

Expand source code
class AbsoluteUrlResource(VoidResource):
    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        return self.context.url


Inherited members

class Base64Resource (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

Expand source code
class Base64Resource(GenericResource):
    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        source, encoding = self.get_source()
        import sys
        if sys.version > '3':
            if type(source) is bytes:
                return 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (self.content_type, bytes.decode(b64encode(source)))
                return 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (self.content_type, bytes.decode(b64encode(str.encode(source, encoding))))
            return 'data:%s;base64,%s' % (self.content_type, b64encode(source))

    def retrieve(self):
        #: There are no sub-files to be fetched.
        return None


Inherited members

class CSSResource (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

Expand source code
class CSSResource(GenericResource):
    def parse(self):
        """Returns the `.get_source(buffered=False)`."""
        return self.get_source(buffered=False)

    def repl(self, match, encoding=None, fmt=None):
        Schedules the linked files for downloading then resolves their references.
        fmt = fmt or '%s'

        url, _ = unquote_match(, match.start(1))
        self.logger.debug("Sub-Css resource found: [%s]" % url)

        if not self.scheduler.validate_url(url):
            return url.encode(encoding)

        sub_context = self.context.create_new_from_url(url)
        self.logger.debug('Creating context for url: %s as %s' % (url, sub_context))
        ans = self.__class__(
            self.session, self.config, self.scheduler, sub_context
        # self.children.add(ans)
        self.logger.debug("Submitting resource: [%s] to the scheduler." % url)
        re_enc = (fmt % ans.resolve(self.filepath)).encode(encoding)
        self.logger.debug("Re-encoded the resource: [%s] as [%r]" % (url, re_enc))
        return re_enc

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer):
        Runs the regex over the source to find the urls that are linked
        within the css file or style tag using the `url()` construct.
        source, encoding = parsing_buffer
        source = re.sub(
            (r'url\((' + '["][^"]*["]|' + "['][^']*[']|" + r'[^)]*)\)').encode(encoding),
            partial(self.repl, encoding=encoding, fmt="url('%s')"),
            source, flags=re.IGNORECASE
        source = re.sub(
            r'@import "(.*?)"'.encode(encoding),
            partial(self.repl, encoding=encoding, fmt='"%s"'),
            source, flags=re.IGNORECASE
        return BytesIO(source)

    def _retrieve(self):
        """Writes the modified buffer to the disk."""
        if not self.viewing_css():
                "Resource of type [%s] is not CSS." % self.content_type)
            return super(CSSResource, self)._retrieve()

        if not self.response.ok:
                "Resource at [%s] is NOT ok and will be NOT processed." % self.url)
            return super(CSSResource, self)._retrieve()

            "Resource at [%s] is ok and will be processed." % self.url)
            self.filepath, self.url, self.config.get('overwrite')
        self.logger.debug("Finished processing resource [%s]" % self.url)
        return self.filepath



def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer)

Runs the regex over the source to find the urls that are linked within the css file or style tag using the url() construct.

Expand source code
def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer):
    Runs the regex over the source to find the urls that are linked
    within the css file or style tag using the `url()` construct.
    source, encoding = parsing_buffer
    source = re.sub(
        (r'url\((' + '["][^"]*["]|' + "['][^']*[']|" + r'[^)]*)\)').encode(encoding),
        partial(self.repl, encoding=encoding, fmt="url('%s')"),
        source, flags=re.IGNORECASE
    source = re.sub(
        r'@import "(.*?)"'.encode(encoding),
        partial(self.repl, encoding=encoding, fmt='"%s"'),
        source, flags=re.IGNORECASE
    return BytesIO(source)
def parse(self)

Returns the .get_source(buffered=False).

Expand source code
def parse(self):
    """Returns the `.get_source(buffered=False)`."""
    return self.get_source(buffered=False)
def repl(self, match, encoding=None, fmt=None)

Schedules the linked files for downloading then resolves their references.

Expand source code
def repl(self, match, encoding=None, fmt=None):
    Schedules the linked files for downloading then resolves their references.
    fmt = fmt or '%s'

    url, _ = unquote_match(, match.start(1))
    self.logger.debug("Sub-Css resource found: [%s]" % url)

    if not self.scheduler.validate_url(url):
        return url.encode(encoding)

    sub_context = self.context.create_new_from_url(url)
    self.logger.debug('Creating context for url: %s as %s' % (url, sub_context))
    ans = self.__class__(
        self.session, self.config, self.scheduler, sub_context
    # self.children.add(ans)
    self.logger.debug("Submitting resource: [%s] to the scheduler." % url)
    re_enc = (fmt % ans.resolve(self.filepath)).encode(encoding)
    self.logger.debug("Re-encoded the resource: [%s] as [%r]" % (url, re_enc))
    return re_enc

Inherited members

class GenericOnlyResource (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Only retrieves a resource if it is NOT HTML.

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

Expand source code
class GenericOnlyResource(GenericResource):
    """Only retrieves a resource if it is NOT HTML."""

    def _retrieve(self):
        if self.viewing_html():
            self.logger.debug("Resource [%s] is of HTML type and must not be processed!" % self.url)
            return False
        return super(GenericOnlyResource, self)._retrieve()

    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        if self.viewing_html():
            return self.context.url
        return super(GenericOnlyResource, self).resolve(parent_path=parent_path)


Inherited members

class GenericResource (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

Expand source code
class GenericResource(object):
    def __init__(self, session, config, scheduler, context, response=None):
        Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses
        content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css
        file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using
        suitable html parser.

        :param session: http client used for networking.
        :param config: project configuration handler.
        :param response: http response from the server.
        :param scheduler: response processor scheduler.
        :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.
        self.session = session
        self.config = config
        self.scheduler = scheduler
        self.context = context
        self.response = None
        if response:
        self.logger = logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s(url=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.context.url)

    def __del__(self):

    def close(self):
        """Releases the underlying urllib connection and
        then deletes the response"""
        if self.response is not None:
            if hasattr(self.response, 'raw'):
                if hasattr(self.response.raw, 'release_conn'):
                    getattr(self.response, 'raw').release_conn()
            del self.response

    def filepath(self):
        """Returns if available a valid filepath
         where this file should be written."""
        if self.context is None:
            raise AttributeError("Context attribute is not set.")
        if self.response is not None:
            ctypes = get_content_type_from_headers(self.response.headers)
            self.context = self.context.with_values(content_type=ctypes)
        return self.context.resolve()

    def filename(self):
        """Returns a valid filename of this resource if available."""
        return os.path.basename(self.filepath or '')

    def content_type(self):
        """Returns a mimetype descriptor of this resource if available."""
        if self.response is not None and 'Content-Type' in self.response.headers:
            return get_content_type_from_headers(self.response.headers)
        return ''

    def url(self):
        """Returns the actual url of this resource which is resolved if
        there were any redirects."""
        if self.response is not None:
            self.context = self.context.with_values(url=self.response.url)
        return self.context.url

    def encoding(self):
        """Returns an explicit encoding if defined in the config else
        the encoding reported by the server."""
        if self.response is not None:
            #: Explicit encoding takes precedence
            return self.config.get(
                'encoding', self.response.encoding or 'ascii')
        return self.config.get('encoding', 'ascii')

    html_content_types = tuple([
    # html_content_types.__doc__ = "Set of valid html mimetypes."

    def viewing_html(self):
        """Checks whether the current resource is a html type or not."""
        return self.content_type in self.html_content_types

    css_content_types = tuple([
    # css_content_types.__doc__ = "Set of valid css mimetypes."

    def viewing_css(self):
        """Checks whether the current resource is a css type or not."""
        return self.content_type in self.css_content_types

    js_content_types = tuple([
    # js_content_types.__doc__ = "Set of valid javascript mimetypes."

    def viewing_js(self):
        """Checks whether the current resource is a javascript type or not."""
        return self.content_type in self.js_content_types

    def set_response(self, response):
        """Update the response attribute of this object.

        It also updates the content_type and encoding as reported by the
        server implicitly for better detection of contents."""
        self.response = response

        #: Clear the cached properties
        self.__dict__.pop('url', None)
        self.__dict__.pop('filepath', None)
        self.__dict__.pop('filename', None)
        if hasattr(response, 'ok') and response.ok:
            self.__dict__.pop('content_type', None)
            self.__dict__.pop('encoding', None)
            self.context = self.context.with_values(

    def request(self, method, url, **params):
        """Fetches the Html content from Internet using the requests.
        You can any requests params which will be passed to the library
        The requests arguments you supply will also be applied to the
        global session meaning all the files will be downloaded using these

        :param method: http verb for transport.
        :param url: url of the page to fetch
        :param params: keyword arguments which `requests` module may accept.
        if params.pop('stream', None):
                "Stream attribute is True by default for reasons."
            self.session.request(method, url, stream=True, **params))

    def get(self, url, **params):
        """Initiates an `get` request for the given url.
        It uses the `.set_response()` method underneath to
        process the returned response.
        It is used to manually fetch the starting web-page.

            wp = WebPage()
        return self.request('GET', url, **params)

    def post(self, url, **params):
        """Initiates an `post` request for the given url.
        It uses the `.set_response()` method underneath to
        process the returned response.
        It is required to submit forms.

            wp = WebPage()
  '', data={'key': 'value'})
        return self.request('POST', url, **params)

    def get_source(self, buffered=False):
        Returns a tuple with the response contents in either file-like object
        i.e. `RewindableResponse` if `buffered=True` or string format
        if ` buffered=False` and the encoding from the `.encoding` attribute.


            An Error would be raised if the `.context` attribute is not set.
            or the `.response` attribute is not set.

        :rtype: string_types | RewindableResponse
        if self.context is None:
            raise ValueError("Context not set.")
        if self.context.base_path is None:
            raise ValueError("Context Base Path is not set!")
        if self.context.base_url is None:
            raise ValueError("Context Base url is not Set!")
        if self.response is None:
            raise ValueError("Response attribute is not Set!")
        if getattr(self.response.raw, 'closed', True):
            raise ValueError(
                "I/O operations closed on the response object.")
        if not hasattr(self.response.raw, 'read'):
            raise ValueError(
                "Response must have a raw file like object!")

        self.response.raw.decode_content = True
        if buffered:
            return self.response.raw, self.encoding
        return self.response.content, self.encoding

    def retrieve(self):
        """Retrieves the readable resource to the local disk."""
        if self.response is None:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Response attribute is not set!"
                "You need to fetch the resource using get method!"
        # XXX: Validate resource here?
        return self._retrieve()

    def _retrieve(self):
        #: Not ok response received from the server
        if not 100 <= self.response.status_code <= 400:
                'Status Code [<%d>] received from the server [%s]'
                % (self.response.status_code, self.response.url)
            if isinstance(self.response.reason, binary_type):
                content = BytesIO(self.response.reason)
                content = BytesIO(self.response.reason.encode(self.encoding))
            if not hasattr(self.response, 'raw'):
                    "Response object for url <%s> has no attribute 'raw'!"
                    % self.url)
                content = BytesIO(self.response.content)
                content = self.response.raw

            content, self.filepath, self.context.url, self.config.get('overwrite'))
        del content
        return self.filepath

    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        """Returns a relative url at which this resource should be accessed
        by the parent file.
        filepath = self.filepath
        if not isinstance(filepath, string_types):
            raise ValueError("Invalid filepath [%r]" % filepath)
        if parent_path and isinstance(parent_path, string_types):
            return pathname2url(relate(filepath, parent_path))
        return pathname2url(filepath)


Class variables

var css_content_types
var html_content_types
var js_content_types

Instance variables

var content_type

Returns a mimetype descriptor of this resource if available.

var encoding

Returns an explicit encoding if defined in the config else the encoding reported by the server.

var filename

Returns a valid filename of this resource if available.

var filepath

Returns if available a valid filepath where this file should be written.

var url

Returns the actual url of this resource which is resolved if there were any redirects.


def close(self)

Releases the underlying urllib connection and then deletes the response

Expand source code
def close(self):
    """Releases the underlying urllib connection and
    then deletes the response"""
    if self.response is not None:
        if hasattr(self.response, 'raw'):
            if hasattr(self.response.raw, 'release_conn'):
                getattr(self.response, 'raw').release_conn()
        del self.response
def get(self, url, **params)

Initiates an get request for the given url. It uses the .set_response() method underneath to process the returned response. It is used to manually fetch the starting web-page.


wp = WebPage() wp.get('') wp.retrieve()

Expand source code
def get(self, url, **params):
    """Initiates an `get` request for the given url.
    It uses the `.set_response()` method underneath to
    process the returned response.
    It is used to manually fetch the starting web-page.

        wp = WebPage()
    return self.request('GET', url, **params)
def get_source(self, buffered=False)

Returns a tuple with the response contents in either file-like object i.e. RewindableResponse if buffered=True or string format if buffered=False and the encoding from the .encoding attribute.


wp.get(url=…) wp.get_source(buffered=False) "…" wp.get_source(buffered=True) ""


An Error would be raised if the .context attribute is not set. or the .response attribute is not set.

:rtype: string_types | RewindableResponse

Expand source code
def get_source(self, buffered=False):
    Returns a tuple with the response contents in either file-like object
    i.e. `RewindableResponse` if `buffered=True` or string format
    if ` buffered=False` and the encoding from the `.encoding` attribute.


        An Error would be raised if the `.context` attribute is not set.
        or the `.response` attribute is not set.

    :rtype: string_types | RewindableResponse
    if self.context is None:
        raise ValueError("Context not set.")
    if self.context.base_path is None:
        raise ValueError("Context Base Path is not set!")
    if self.context.base_url is None:
        raise ValueError("Context Base url is not Set!")
    if self.response is None:
        raise ValueError("Response attribute is not Set!")
    if getattr(self.response.raw, 'closed', True):
        raise ValueError(
            "I/O operations closed on the response object.")
    if not hasattr(self.response.raw, 'read'):
        raise ValueError(
            "Response must have a raw file like object!")

    self.response.raw.decode_content = True
    if buffered:
        return self.response.raw, self.encoding
    return self.response.content, self.encoding
def post(self, url, **params)

Initiates an post request for the given url. It uses the .set_response() method underneath to process the returned response. It is required to submit forms.


wp = WebPage()'', data={'key': 'value'}) wp.retrieve()

Expand source code
def post(self, url, **params):
    """Initiates an `post` request for the given url.
    It uses the `.set_response()` method underneath to
    process the returned response.
    It is required to submit forms.

        wp = WebPage()'', data={'key': 'value'})
    return self.request('POST', url, **params)
def request(self, method, url, **params)

Fetches the Html content from Internet using the requests. You can any requests params which will be passed to the library itself. The requests arguments you supply will also be applied to the global session meaning all the files will be downloaded using these settings.

:param method: http verb for transport. :param url: url of the page to fetch :param params: keyword arguments which requests module may accept.

Expand source code
def request(self, method, url, **params):
    """Fetches the Html content from Internet using the requests.
    You can any requests params which will be passed to the library
    The requests arguments you supply will also be applied to the
    global session meaning all the files will be downloaded using these

    :param method: http verb for transport.
    :param url: url of the page to fetch
    :param params: keyword arguments which `requests` module may accept.
    if params.pop('stream', None):
            "Stream attribute is True by default for reasons."
        self.session.request(method, url, stream=True, **params))
def resolve(self, parent_path=None)

Returns a relative url at which this resource should be accessed by the parent file.

Expand source code
def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
    """Returns a relative url at which this resource should be accessed
    by the parent file.
    filepath = self.filepath
    if not isinstance(filepath, string_types):
        raise ValueError("Invalid filepath [%r]" % filepath)
    if parent_path and isinstance(parent_path, string_types):
        return pathname2url(relate(filepath, parent_path))
    return pathname2url(filepath)
def retrieve(self)

Retrieves the readable resource to the local disk.

Expand source code
def retrieve(self):
    """Retrieves the readable resource to the local disk."""
    if self.response is None:
        raise AttributeError(
            "Response attribute is not set!"
            "You need to fetch the resource using get method!"
    # XXX: Validate resource here?
    return self._retrieve()
def set_response(self, response)

Update the response attribute of this object.

It also updates the content_type and encoding as reported by the server implicitly for better detection of contents.

Expand source code
def set_response(self, response):
    """Update the response attribute of this object.

    It also updates the content_type and encoding as reported by the
    server implicitly for better detection of contents."""
    self.response = response

    #: Clear the cached properties
    self.__dict__.pop('url', None)
    self.__dict__.pop('filepath', None)
    self.__dict__.pop('filename', None)
    if hasattr(response, 'ok') and response.ok:
        self.__dict__.pop('content_type', None)
        self.__dict__.pop('encoding', None)
        self.context = self.context.with_values(
def viewing_css(self)

Checks whether the current resource is a css type or not.

Expand source code
def viewing_css(self):
    """Checks whether the current resource is a css type or not."""
    return self.content_type in self.css_content_types
def viewing_html(self)

Checks whether the current resource is a html type or not.

Expand source code
def viewing_html(self):
    """Checks whether the current resource is a html type or not."""
    return self.content_type in self.html_content_types
def viewing_js(self)

Checks whether the current resource is a javascript type or not.

Expand source code
def viewing_js(self):
    """Checks whether the current resource is a javascript type or not."""
    return self.content_type in self.js_content_types
class HTMLResource (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Interpreter for resource written in or reported as html.

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

Expand source code
class HTMLResource(GenericResource):
    """Interpreter for resource written in or reported as html."""

    def parse(self, **kwargs):
        """Returns an `pywebcopy.parsers.iterparse` instance with
        the file-object returned from the `.get_source(buffered=True)`.

        :params kwargs: options to be passed to the `iterparse`.
        source, encoding = self.get_source(buffered=True)
        return iterparse(
            source, encoding, include_meta_charset_tag=True, **kwargs)

    def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer):
        Iterates over the `pywebcopy.parsers.iterparse` object and
        extract the elements which are handed over to the `scheduler`
        for processing. Then the final path of the element is updated
        in the `pywebcopy.parsers.iterparse` object.

        :param parsing_buffer: `iterparse` object.
        location = self.filepath

        for elem, attr, url, pos in parsing_buffer:
            if not self.scheduler.validate_url(url):

            sub_context = self.context.create_new_from_url(url)
            ans = self.scheduler.get_handler(
                self.session, self.config, self.scheduler, sub_context)
            resolved = ans.resolve(location)
            elem.replace_url(url, resolved, attr, pos)

        return parsing_buffer

    def _retrieve(self):
        if not self.viewing_html():
                "Resource of type [%s] is not HTML." % self.content_type)
            return super(HTMLResource, self)._retrieve()

        if not self.response.ok:
                "Resource at [%s] is NOT ok and will be NOT processed." % self.url)
            return super(HTMLResource, self)._retrieve()

        context = self.extract_children(self.parse())

        # WaterMarking :)
        context.root.insert(0, HtmlComment(self._get_watermark()))

            BytesIO(tostring(context.root, include_meta_content_type=True)),
            self.filepath, self.context.url, overwrite=True)

        self.logger.debug('Retrieved content from the url: [%s]' % self.url)
        del context
        return self.filepath

    def _get_watermark(self):
        # comment text should be in unicode
        return dedent("""
        * PyWebCopy Engine [version %s]
        * Copyright 2020; Raja Tomar
        * File mirrored from [%s]
        * At UTC datetime: [%s]
        """) % (__version__, self.response.url, datetime.utcnow())




def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer)

Iterates over the iterparse() object and extract the elements which are handed over to the scheduler for processing. Then the final path of the element is updated in the iterparse() object.

:param parsing_buffer: iterparse object.

Expand source code
def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer):
    Iterates over the `pywebcopy.parsers.iterparse` object and
    extract the elements which are handed over to the `scheduler`
    for processing. Then the final path of the element is updated
    in the `pywebcopy.parsers.iterparse` object.

    :param parsing_buffer: `iterparse` object.
    location = self.filepath

    for elem, attr, url, pos in parsing_buffer:
        if not self.scheduler.validate_url(url):

        sub_context = self.context.create_new_from_url(url)
        ans = self.scheduler.get_handler(
            self.session, self.config, self.scheduler, sub_context)
        resolved = ans.resolve(location)
        elem.replace_url(url, resolved, attr, pos)

    return parsing_buffer
def parse(self, **kwargs)

Returns an iterparse() instance with the file-object returned from the .get_source(buffered=True).

:params kwargs: options to be passed to the iterparse.

Expand source code
def parse(self, **kwargs):
    """Returns an `pywebcopy.parsers.iterparse` instance with
    the file-object returned from the `.get_source(buffered=True)`.

    :params kwargs: options to be passed to the `iterparse`.
    source, encoding = self.get_source(buffered=True)
    return iterparse(
        source, encoding, include_meta_charset_tag=True, **kwargs)

Inherited members

class JSResource (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

Expand source code
class JSResource(GenericResource):
    def parse(self):
        """Returns the `.get_source(buffered=False)`."""
        return self.get_source(buffered=False)

    def repl(self, match, encoding=None, fmt=None):
        Schedules the linked files for downloading then resolves their references.
        fmt = fmt or '%s'

        url, _ = unquote_match(, match.start(1))
        self.logger.debug("Sub-JS resource found: [%s]" % url)

        if not self.scheduler.validate_url(url):
            return url.encode(encoding)

        sub_context = self.context.create_new_from_url(url)
        self.logger.debug('Creating context for url: %s as %s' % (url, sub_context))
        ans = self.__class__(
            self.session, self.config, self.scheduler, sub_context
        # self.children.add(ans)
        self.logger.debug("Submitting resource: [%s] to the scheduler." % url)
        re_enc = (fmt % ans.resolve(self.filepath)).encode(encoding)
        self.logger.debug("Re-encoded the resource: [%s] as [%r]" % (url, re_enc))
        return re_enc

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer):
        Runs the regex over the source to find the urls that are linked
        within the js file or script tag using the `url()` construct.

            It only recognises one type of url inside of the js.
            i.e. `url('')`. Make it universal.
        source, encoding = parsing_buffer
        # P.S. There is one interesting Regex on this github repo under MIT license
        source = re.sub(
            (r'url\((' + '["][^"]*["]|' + "['][^']*[']|" + r'[^)]*)\)'
                self.repl, encoding=encoding, fmt='url("%s")'
            ), source, flags=re.IGNORECASE
        return BytesIO(source)

    def _retrieve(self):
        """Writes the modified buffer to the disk."""
        if not self.viewing_js():
  "Resource of type [%s] is not JS." % self.content_type)
            return super(JSResource, self)._retrieve()

        if not self.response.ok:
            self.logger.debug("Resource at [%s] is NOT ok and will be NOT processed." % self.url)
            return super(JSResource, self)._retrieve()

        self.logger.debug("Resource at [%s] is ok and will be processed." % self.url)
            self.filepath, self.url, self.config.get('overwrite')
        self.logger.debug("Finished processing resource [%s]" % self.url)
        return self.filepath



def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer)

Runs the regex over the source to find the urls that are linked within the js file or script tag using the url() construct.


It only recognises one type of url inside of the js. i.e. url(''). Make it universal.

Expand source code
def extract_children(self, parsing_buffer):
    Runs the regex over the source to find the urls that are linked
    within the js file or script tag using the `url()` construct.

        It only recognises one type of url inside of the js.
        i.e. `url('')`. Make it universal.
    source, encoding = parsing_buffer
    # P.S. There is one interesting Regex on this github repo under MIT license
    source = re.sub(
        (r'url\((' + '["][^"]*["]|' + "['][^']*[']|" + r'[^)]*)\)'
            self.repl, encoding=encoding, fmt='url("%s")'
        ), source, flags=re.IGNORECASE
    return BytesIO(source)
def parse(self)

Returns the .get_source(buffered=False).

Expand source code
def parse(self):
    """Returns the `.get_source(buffered=False)`."""
    return self.get_source(buffered=False)
def repl(self, match, encoding=None, fmt=None)

Schedules the linked files for downloading then resolves their references.

Expand source code
def repl(self, match, encoding=None, fmt=None):
    Schedules the linked files for downloading then resolves their references.
    fmt = fmt or '%s'

    url, _ = unquote_match(, match.start(1))
    self.logger.debug("Sub-JS resource found: [%s]" % url)

    if not self.scheduler.validate_url(url):
        return url.encode(encoding)

    sub_context = self.context.create_new_from_url(url)
    self.logger.debug('Creating context for url: %s as %s' % (url, sub_context))
    ans = self.__class__(
        self.session, self.config, self.scheduler, sub_context
    # self.children.add(ans)
    self.logger.debug("Submitting resource: [%s] to the scheduler." % url)
    re_enc = (fmt % ans.resolve(self.filepath)).encode(encoding)
    self.logger.debug("Re-encoded the resource: [%s] as [%r]" % (url, re_enc))
    return re_enc

Inherited members

class UrlRemover (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

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class UrlRemover(VoidResource):
    def resolve(self, parent_path=None):
        return '#'


Inherited members

class VoidResource (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

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class VoidResource(GenericResource):
    def get(self, url, **params):
        return None

    def get_source(self, buffered=False):
        return None

    def retrieve(self):
        return None




def get(self, url, **params)

Initiates an get request for the given url. It uses the .set_response() method underneath to process the returned response. It is used to manually fetch the starting web-page.


wp = WebPage() wp.get('') wp.retrieve()

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def get(self, url, **params):
    return None
def get_source(self, buffered=False)

Returns a tuple with the response contents in either file-like object i.e. RewindableResponse if buffered=True or string format if buffered=False and the encoding from the .encoding attribute.


wp.get(url=…) wp.get_source(buffered=False) "…" wp.get_source(buffered=True) ""


An Error would be raised if the .context attribute is not set. or the .response attribute is not set.

:rtype: string_types | RewindableResponse

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def get_source(self, buffered=False):
    return None
def retrieve(self)

Retrieves the readable resource to the local disk.

Expand source code
def retrieve(self):
    return None
class NullResource (session, config, scheduler, context, response=None)

Generic internet resource which processes a server response based on responses content-type. Downloadable file if allowed in config would be downloaded. Css file would be parsed using suitable parser. Html will also be parsed using suitable html parser.

:param session: http client used for networking. :param config: project configuration handler. :param response: http response from the server. :param scheduler: response processor scheduler. :param context: context of this response; should contain base-location, base-url etc.

Expand source code
class VoidResource(GenericResource):
    def get(self, url, **params):
        return None

    def get_source(self, buffered=False):
        return None

    def retrieve(self):
        return None



Inherited members